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Object or App?

Good Morning,

I have been tasked with creating a pricing tool for my company.

I'm asking for some guidance from all the the experts out here. :)

I have creating a custom object called Pricing Tool, it has basic fields, and some formula fields bring in account name, etc. I  need to be able to add buttons that would make it possible to add products to the tool. The button would be "Add Product", my first question would be how can I connect that button to then open up the existing Product object? If I need to create a visualforce page where inthe page do I say go get the Product object information and connect it to this button.

My next question is on field dependencies, is it possible to have field dependencies on a multi-picklist? I need to be able to create a tool where sales would pick product 1, but when you pick product 1, sub products a, b, c come with it automatically and then there's a list of optional sub products that you can add, and again if you choose on of those there may be products that come with those automatically.

Product 1 - comes with a,b,c
optional - e, f, g,
choose g.
Product G Options h, j, k

In the end I have a list of the products the sales person wants in the quote that can then be used to create a contract.

I know that there are existing apps out theres, ex. cameleon, but we do not have the budget, so I'm hoping to be able to create this with what exists in salesforces, (product, quote, contract objects) and enhance with visualforce pages.

At some point I will need to bring in a consultant to assit with the finishing touches and/or guide me, as I'm currently training on visualforce. If there are other elements that I need to learn, would also love some guideance/suggestions.

Thank you for your thoughts, ideas.


Hi Nancy,


You can create dependency with multi select picklist as long as the multi select picklist is on the depending side and not the controlling. So for example


If product A is chosen, it is possible to display a multi select picklist with other options but that's it...the values chosen on this 2nd picklist cannot trigger other values to show up, again, because the multi select picklist can only be on the depending side. See the online documentation about this:


So, you can create multiple picklists dependencies as long as all of them are single select picklists.


As for the Products issue, maybe a VF page would do. But you can also create a new custom object for products in a many to many relationship. For example.


Create an object called Associated Products

Create an object called Products


The Associated Products could have a master-detail relationship with both, Accounts, and Products. 


So what's gonna happen, is that on the Account page layout, you will see a related list called Associated Products, and from there you can click New, and associate an existing Product (custom object) to the Account. Because of the many to many relationship, you can add multiple products to the same account and one product can be associated to multiple accounts.


Something like that....Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. 


Pablo Gonzalez