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Conditional Redirect

I have a custom link that requires a condition. The content source is set to URL and I want to display a Visual Force page when the condition fails. I have the following syntax.



The problem is the / in "apex/NoSvcGCFound" gets decoded to %2F and I get a page not foundn error. I've tried to htmlencode, urlencode, ', ", \, //, etc. Nothing worked.


Suggestions are appreciated!




I ended up changing it to onClick Javascript (instead of URL) and doing the following:


var gc="{!CR__c.Svc_GC__c}";

if (!gc)"/apex/NoServiceGoverningContract");
else  window.location.href="/"+gc;


Am still interested in knowing how to do the same in URL if at all possible. Thanks!


Well there seems to be a problem in your code. Apex generally doesnt encode URL automatically.


I tried replicating your scenario by doing some thing like this : 

      window.location.href = "{!IF(MYCondition,'apex/Test','apex/Test2')}";


The above code worked as expected

Is there a way to do it without invoking the script context? I was
aiming/hoping that it could be done with just the {} escapes.
