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S-Control URL

I am trying to create a custom tag allowing the user to automatically log in to a website specified by a global variable with user-specific credential saved in a custom object (lookup from UserID)


We decided to do it through S-Control. I am a bit lost because S-Control docs are all gone. Can anyone give me some pointer?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I see. You mean "tab", not "tag". Yes, you can add custom fields to the user object and then create a new Web Tab that calls your login URL passing in your custom user fields.


I'm fairly sure that all SalesForce SOAP methods use SSL. I always use SSL when integrating with SalesForce, but I have not written outbound SOAP messages from SalesForce.



All Answers


S-Controls are scheduled to be deprecated in 2010 and have been superceded by VisualForce & Apex.


By 'custom tag' do you mean a button that you'll place on a pageLayout? If so, you can use a button of type "onClick JavaScript" which essentially functions like an S-Control.


thanks for your reply.


 Actually, what my boss wants is to have a custom tag at the top and when the user click it, it automatically logs the user to our webpage but our webpage would be still be embedded in the salesforce page.


I kind of get the idea of how to do this by adding new fields to User object.


Oh, by the way, I actually have another question. All the SOAP method calls on salesforce are SSL enabled right? Is the feature available for all users? (If you happen to know)


I see. You mean "tab", not "tag". Yes, you can add custom fields to the user object and then create a new Web Tab that calls your login URL passing in your custom user fields.


I'm fairly sure that all SalesForce SOAP methods use SSL. I always use SSL when integrating with SalesForce, but I have not written outbound SOAP messages from SalesForce.



This was selected as the best answer



I think I got a pretty good idea now