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Override Delete/Edit routine
Hey Guys,
I am quite new to the Salesforce. I am working on creating a test application. I need to implement a Override routine to the Delete so that the user can;t do hard delete of record but rather flag the record as deleted.
I found on the set up page that we can override the Delete button however I dont know what to do next. Could you please assist by posting or directing me to an example?
Thanks. I was not quite aware of it. Good to know.
However can we do the following: for an object define a status field. When a user hits the delete button, the routine is overriden with custom code which actually flags this field as Deleted. Now the System Admin should be able to review the flagged records and delete/restore those.
Thanks for your help.
Yes, just override the delete button with some custom code. Your custom code would actually be similar to this, which also sets a status field.
Perfecto.... :)
Thanks for your help.