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Testmethods are failing because of Profile Id's in Validation rule

We recently copied across Salesforce production version to our sandbox.


I create some Testmethods for a new trigger that I built but now I'm getting an error on some of the validation rules that use the $User.ProfileId in the validation formulae. This makes sense because the Id will change in different orgs.


What should I be using then. Should I be using $Profile.Name instead of $User.ProfileId in the validation formulae?


Below is a snippet of the error


Error Condition Formula: ($User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mxo7" 
$User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mxoD" 
$User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mwku" 
$User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mxsO" ) 
NOT(ISPICKVAL (Status , "New"))
Value(s) Found: Status=New , Description=TestDescription2 , $User.ProfileId=00e20000000hFRI
Result: PASS - Continue
Rule Name: Can_not_Edit_Case_Error_Mess_if_Customer
Error Condition Formula: ($User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mxo7" 
$User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mxoD" 
$User.ProfileId = "00e20000000mwku" 
$Profile.Name would probably be a good thing to try, yes.