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Why can't I see Documents sObject in list for creating lookup relationship


For one of my custom object, I want to create a lookup relationship with Documents. But when I go for adding a new fields on my custom object of type lookup relationship, I don't see Documents sObject as one of the option in the 'Related To' list. Can anybody tell me what's the reason for this? Is is not possible to create a new custom field of type lookup relationship with Documents sObject?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Document is a special object. Salesforce does not allow lookup to the document object. It is an object wherein one can store any document in salesforce. What is your specific requirement , in case you just want to provide the user with the link of a document you do so via a formula field which provides a link which one can follow. Also you can have a field  say document id - a text field wherein user can put the id of the document to which you want a link and the formula field's formula will access this field to provide the necessary link.


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