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Report using Combination Chart to show Quota column


I am trying to create a report that will allow me to produce a chart with vertical bars that have 2 vertical columns together for each grouping. The report would be based on Activities. One column would be for number of actual Meetings and the other would be for the Meetings quota. According to the Salesforce Winter 10 release notes, this can be done using Combination Charts. It says "You can also combine certain chart types to present data in different ways in a single chart. For example, add quota to closed business, add quantity to closed amount, add lead count to campaign cost."
I have no problem getting vertical bars that show one column with actual Meetings but I'm having trouble figuring out how to add the second column next to it for Meetings quota. 



Anyone have any suggestions on this? I'm totally stuck :smileysad: 


All I really want to do is manually add a quota column to a chart. Would I need to set the quota amount somewhere else in Salesforce and then pull it into my report?