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Change the record type

I have a contact Record type "Broker"  Insurance Industry changed the name to "producer"


I want to change both Record Type Label and Record Type Name to new record type.

if I change the record type name  will I loose any data? Does it effect validation rules and sharing rules?


Do I need to change any of my batch process code if I only change the label?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

changing the name shouldn't cause you to lose data; however, as to if it will mess up the rest of your system that depends on what customization you made. I can evaluate your system but it could take a long time.

All Answers


changing the name shouldn't cause you to lose data; however, as to if it will mess up the rest of your system that depends on what customization you made. I can evaluate your system but it could take a long time.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for the response.


So far I found following dependencies.


  • Contact Validation rules
  • Contact Page layout association with Record Type
  • Lookup filter on the account


Am I going to loose activity log? Do you have any suggestions on How I can do this without loosing data?

