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Lookup Search Fields and custom objects
Why is it that you can only search on the 'Name 'field of custom objects when performing a search via a lookup button? I want to be able to search on other fields in my custom objec
Would be interested to hear from others who have overcome the same issue.
Thanks :smileyhappy:
Hi there,
Navigate to your custom object detail page, and scroll down to spot search layouts section. Here you edit the search layouts to include the fields that you want to search.
Unfortunately that doesn't change the fields that are searched via a look up button. I've had a look in the help files online and it seems to say that when using a 'lookup' button, the only field that is searched is the Name field.
Surely this can't be right?
Thanks for your advice.
If you enable Enhanced Search for your custom object (Customize | Search Settings), you will then see "Lookup Filter Fields" on the custom object detail page under "Search Layouts". Select the fields that you want to search on, then a "Show Filters | Hide Filters" link will appear on the Lookup Popup page which will allow you to filter by the selected fields.