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Partner Portal and Non Native Application

I have a client who is having a non native/composite application developed by another 3rd party firm.  I am trying to find some information on if and how a non native application can work through the Partner Portal.


We have heard that the Partner Portal license does not include the ability to access a non native/composite application.  Is this true?


If this is true, then how can an external user such as a dealer use the application?  Would we have to use a license instead?  This is problematic, because the external users will need access to the Opportunity object which is not available to via the license.


We have also heard that we might need to purchase both Partner Portal and licenses for these 2000 external Users.  How can this be the case?  It was my understanding that a User can only be assigned a single User License Type.


Has anyone else run into this scenario before?




Mark Bruso