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David SomekhDavid Somekh 

Importing Blank Fields Into Existing Records

Hello All!


I have a problem when I want to delete incorrect email addresses from lead records.


After we did a mass email using salesforce we found out that a lot of the email's are incorrect. In-order to delete these email addresses we have to import blank fields.


But SalesForce does not let you import blank fields. If you import a blank field, the field will not be updated and it will stay at it's old version.


This applies to the built in import wizard and also to the data loader(update/upsert options).


Any help will be greatly appreciated.





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

For the data loader, under Settings, enable the checkbox "Insert null values" to override existing values with NULL.

All Answers


For the data loader, under Settings, enable the checkbox "Insert null values" to override existing values with NULL.

This was selected as the best answer
David SomekhDavid Somekh
Thank you very much!


I'm looking for the same function but for the built in import wizard.



Any idea?





We have a similar problem: we're constrained to the Import Wizard (Professional Edition) and are unable to set a custom field (that uses a multi pick list) to have no value. We can change the value to another one in the pick list, but we can't delete the value that's already in it.


Agreed, im bumping this old post. please help! Did anyone figure it out?


Unfortunately I still have no solution for this. Anybody else?

Kristen BarkerKristen Barker
I ran across this old post as I am having the same problem right now as johnbro above.  I have a user that I would like to be able to import blank values, but he is constrained to the Import Wizard due to his user license.  Has there been any progress in the last 5 years on giving the Import Wizard this functionality?
Alejandra OsioAlejandra Osio
For others who may come accross this post, there is a solution for this! 

"To set a field value to null or erase the current value, fill out the column corresponding to the record and field to be updated with #N/A. The exceptions are a checkbox where you have to use 0 for unchecked values and lookup fields as the Import Wizard cannot null a lookup (must use an API tool like the Data Loader)." 
Kevin Gay 1Kevin Gay 1
Thanks - the #N/A worked like a charm for errant picklist entries.