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Limit Multi-Picklist

I hope someone can help me out here


I want to limit the amount of picklist options that can be choosen in a multi-picklist.  


For examble I have a multi-picklist that has 10 choices listed but I want the Sales Agent rep to beable to only choose 3.


Is there a valdation rule that can do this?  


Thanks in advance for all your help





Yes, a validation rule would help you acheive this. You would give a point for each selection and then add up all the points.
In case the sum is greater than 3 in your case, the validation rule return true and then you get the error message.

Satish Kumar
Please mark my answer as a solution if it was helpful so it is available to others as a proper solution.
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Vijay NagarathinamVijay Nagarathinam



Refer the link you get idea about the multi-piklist