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pick list value



I  have one requirement that one custom field has has multiple values,when i select other value text box should be displayed

User enters the value in text box , while searching i found some solutions with formula fields , its not working


Please suggest


Thanks Regards


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hello Raja,


This can not be done without programming. You need to implement it with visualforce pages.

All Answers




Do you wish to show a text box on selection of a particular value? Please elaborate.


Yes the same, for e.g. i have list of countries where we have other also in value if i select other automatically text box should be appeared so we can provide details in text box and it will insert in DB.


Thanks and Regards



Hello Raja,


This can not be done without programming. You need to implement it with visualforce pages.

This was selected as the best answer



Agree with Vinita that you need to do some programming to achieve exactly same requirement. However, if you want to have this functionality without programming and if you can compromise bit on user experience, you can have validation rule that if user select "Other" from drop-down list, make other field required and keep this field always on page layout.


Please let me know if you need help on this.


Happy to help you!