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Recommendation for an Outlook developer for Salesforce for Outlook integration

Good afternoon, 


we're trying to add a feature for our Outlook integration outside of what's native in Saleforce for Outlook, and was seeing if anyone on this board can recommend anyone that has done work with Outoook.  Specifically what we're needing is a custom field to be added to Outlook Events and a macro that can push the email address of the first invitee on an Event to that new custom field.  


If anyone has worked with a Microsoft Partner they can recommend then would appreciate it.  Thanks.



Salesforce SuperheroesSalesforce Superheroes

Hi Danny,


Salesforce Superheroes would be happy to assist you with your inegration project!  Please contact us at the information below to discuss your project in greater detail.



Kind Regards,


Drew M. Cosentino
Project Analyst

Salesforce Superheroes
Office: 888.581.5128
