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Murali KrishnaMurali Krishna 

what is the difference between controller and apex class

what is the difference between controller and apex class?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

They are NOT the same. A Controller is an Apex Class but an Apex Class is not always a Controller. You can create Apex as helper classes to Triggers and helper classes to Controllers to create a more modular, reusable solution to complex problems. Apex classes also are used for batch data operations and creating REST and SOAP Web Services.  Apex classes provide a way to also create a polymorphic structure to your code and implement many design patters on the platform. There's a good general description here: and more specifically here:

All Answers


There is not difference. both are same.


They are NOT the same. A Controller is an Apex Class but an Apex Class is not always a Controller. You can create Apex as helper classes to Triggers and helper classes to Controllers to create a more modular, reusable solution to complex problems. Apex classes also are used for batch data operations and creating REST and SOAP Web Services.  Apex classes provide a way to also create a polymorphic structure to your code and implement many design patters on the platform. There's a good general description here: and more specifically here:

This was selected as the best answer
Murali KrishnaMurali Krishna

Thanks every body