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Mas Create Field with Eclipse



I am trying to mass create 160+ custom fields on a custom object in my Sandbox. I was able to edit the meta data using Eclipse, but nothing happens when I deploy or save the changes to the Sandbox server.  I don't get any error messages, but none of the fields get created.  Does anyone know why this is happening?  Thanks.

Kiran  KurellaKiran Kurella
You may be working offline in eclipse. Right click on the project in eclipse, select and verify the second option is Work Online.

If this post solves your problem kindly mark it as solution. if this post is helpful please throw Kudos.

No, that's not it.  I am working online.  Thanks.


Here is your expected answer I think



Please let me know in case of any further query

Mohit Bansal 13Mohit Bansal 13
To fulfill Mass field creation requirements, there is a Salesforce AppExchange App,

Salesforce BULK Object Field Creator - A Time Saver App....!!!
  • Helps Admins & Developers to create multiple fields, Delete Multiple Fields & Assign FLS for multiple profiles for multiple fields in single click
  • Drag Drop a csv or xls files which contains list of new fields to be created
  • App will restrict user to create fields which already exists in system.
 - Bulk(multiple) Field Creation
 - Bulk(multiple) Field Deletion
 & lot more...

AppExchange Link:

Bulk Field Creation Page