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Making a custom lookup field required
I have a custom object with a Contact lookup field. Is it possible to make this field required? It would need to be required through both the API and the interface. Is this only possible with a trigger?
I was surprised to discover that you can't make a lookup field universally required, like you can for text fields, for example, when creating the custom field.
For a lookup, I think you'll want to do a combination of things. First, for users entering data through the UI, you should make the field required on the page layout. Then, for the API, you should create a validation rule on your custom object that fires when someone tries to save and your lookup field is blank.
Me too!
I ended up going with a simple trigger. It works in the web interface as well as through the API.
trigger requiredContactTrigger on Ice_Cream_Survey__c (before insert, before update) { for (Ice_Cream_Survey__c i: { if (i.Contact__c == NULL) { i.Contact__c.addError('Contact is required'); } } }
You can also do this using a simple validation rule on your custom object Ice_Cream_Survey__c
ISBLANK( Contact__c )
With Regards