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Why am i getting an error?? Please help!!!!

Below is a SOQL where i try to retrieve information from my parent object (in a master detail relationship) where circuits (master) is the parent and Work_on_Circuit is my child (detail).


The error i'm getting is :

junctionCircuits Compile Error: The inner select field '' cannot have more than one level of relationships at line 16 column 38 

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[select Id, Name,Circuit_ID__c, Circuit_Status__c from Circuits__c where Id IN (select from Work_on_Circuit__c where Work_on_Circuit__c.Work_Order__c =: woid)]


How am i supposed to get the Id ??

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Because you're referencing Circuit_r.Id in there, which is a field from a relationship.  Fortunately for you, it seems that all you actually need is the Id field, which is stored directly on the object in question.  So try instead using Circuit__c as your inner select:


select Circuit__c from Work_on_Circuit__c where Work_on_Circuit__c.Work_Order__c =: woid

All Answers


Because you're referencing Circuit_r.Id in there, which is a field from a relationship.  Fortunately for you, it seems that all you actually need is the Id field, which is stored directly on the object in question.  So try instead using Circuit__c as your inner select:


select Circuit__c from Work_on_Circuit__c where Work_on_Circuit__c.Work_Order__c =: woid

This was selected as the best answer

Oh but also something else is wrong with that inner select.  It'll complain about the extra reference to Work_on_Circuit__c in the where.  Should be:


select Circuit__c from Work_on_Circuit__c where Work_Order__c =: woid


Thank you for your help werewolf!!


I changed my code and it's still not happy :smileymad:

Now it's giving me tthe following error:

Error: Invalid field Circuit__c for SObject Circuits__c 


I was thinking of doing a work around:

List<id>  ids = [select Circuit__c from Work_on_Circuit__c where Work_Order__c =: woid];


List<Circuits__c> circuits = [select Id, Name,Circuit_ID__c, Circuit_Status__c from Circuits__c where Id IN (ids)];
not sure how to code it :)




Nevermind, it worked!! I just didn't have the same columns that i retrieved being displayed in my pageBlockTable.


Thank you so much for your help!!!