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REG: AssignedTo field in Event

Hi Devs,


I have few questions regarding AssignedTo field.

AssignedTo field in Event or Task is a lookUp in User or Calendar.


Why it is a lookUp to the Calendar(Is it neccesary)?Can we give a calendarId to this field?


If yes, how to select a calendar to this AssignedTo field?To do this what are the changes to be done to the calendar?


can this AssignedTo field accepts any other value which is not a User?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

In Task and Event AssignedTo field is a lookup to User. If you can find the calendarId then you can give. Because we can’t overwrite the Salesforce standard functionality and it will not accept any other value which is not a User.

All Answers


In Task and Event AssignedTo field is a lookup to User. If you can find the calendarId then you can give. Because we can’t overwrite the Salesforce standard functionality and it will not accept any other value which is not a User.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for your reply Pradeep.


But how to query the calendar Id from Calendar?(Because querying the calendar is not possible)


Where could I find the calendar Ids?






(wrongly pressed the Accept as solution, the problem hasn't fixed yet)