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Need help with Custom Button

I've made a few simple custom buttons before but this one I'm trying to do now - has me stumped.


I would like to create a custom "Email Button" on the Accounts Tab  - With this email button I would like to be able to select multiple account records, click the "email button" and have the email populate the "Additional To:" Email field with all the Emails on each of the selected accounts.


The Email field is a custom field on the account page - 


I realize that this can sort of be done through contacts using the mass email contacts feature, but it is too encumbersome for what we are trying to do.


I Would love any input or solutions on this.




Add a button to the list view that sends checked accounts to a visualforce page, that VF page and custom controller will help manage the send email process.


Look at the Labs app Super Unfollow Button for Chatter for an example of how to create a nice button on List View.