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Roll-Up Summary Limitations

Hi all,


I am trying to create a field "Opportunity.Amount__c".  This field would be a rollup of "Quote__c.Quote_Amount__c".  Quote__c is the child in a master detail relationship with Opportunity.  "Quote__c.Quote_Amount__c" is a rollup summary of "Quote_Line_Item__c.Total_Price__c".  Quote_Line_Item.Total_Price__c is a formula field with data type currency.


I have 3 environments with the same schema (or at least I would like to believe it is the same).  1 config sandbox, 1 full copy sandbox, and 1 production.


In the full copy and production environment I am able to create this "Opportunity.Amount__c" field.  However, in the config sandbox I am unable to.  I can choose to create a rollup summary on "Quote__c" from Opportunity, but I am not able to pick "Quote_Amount__c" as the field to roll up on.


What limitations are there around picking the field you want to roll up on?









Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

After pulling my hair out for a couple hours I realized it was because I had advanced currency management enabled in the org where I could not create the roll up summary.