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databackup before mass delete

Hi All,


I want to mass delete some of custom object records. I would like to know how can I take the backup of the records and succesfully restoring it.Any guidance on this is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Thank you for your response. I will use dataloader to export some of the records which meet the criteria.



All Answers


There are a variety of ways to export the data. The easiest way is to use the Weekly Data Export feature under Setup. This will extract all the data in every object of your instance including custom objects, and email you a ZIP file that contains multiple CSV files. 


Or you could use the Data Loader  and extract the single object you need to a CSV file. 





Thank you for your response. I will use dataloader to export some of the records which meet the criteria.



This was selected as the best answer