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Assignment of territory's based on zip codes

We are new to SF and recently completed out data upload and now need to assign our leads, contacts, accounts and opportunities to there territory's and those are defined by there zip codes..


Hpw can I do this?  This is different then assigning by state (territory), many reps work int he same state but there area is defined by the zip code within the state..




with leads you should be able to do this with lead assignment rules, where you can evaluate criteria and assign the lead to a specific user accordingly.  for accounts, contacts and opportunities you may need to create triggers on these objects.

Snuggles is right, you can do this via Lead assignment rules for the leads.


I would recommend using Territory Management, which will control visibility to the Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities. 


  1. You could either use Territory management, this will control access at the account, contact, and opportunity level. The only downside is that you cannot see what the territory is on the Contacts. You can expose the territory field on the Account and Opportunity.
    1. The downside to this, is it can be very cumbersome based on the number of territories you have.
  2. Your other option would be to use workflow rules that will assign the Account Owner based on Zip Code, then through your standard sharing settings, the user will have access to all the contacts and opportunities linked to the accounts they own.


If only one person is working an account and all the opportunities, then the 2nd option is easier. If you in fact have a team of people working the account and opportunities, Territories is the way to go.


I hope that helps.


I am currently battling this problem as well. What I have found is two ways to solve this..


  1. Create an Apex Trigger :(
  2. In workflows and approvals create a series of greater than or equal to & less than or equal to rules.
    1.  Lead Ex: Click Lead: Zip and say "is greater than or equal to 10001" and then add another rule that says "is less than or equal to "14925" etc.
It's working in our case as many of the zip codes are sequential.