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Data Export

I'm working on a migration routine of legacy data into Salesforce.  I must export the data after it gets into Salesforce in order to link objects with the SF internal IDs.  The data exporter only allows one export every 48 hours and I need to iterate more often that that. The scheduler only lets me do once a week!  I'm only testing with 30 records so I'm not talking a big export here. Is there anyway around this limitation of the data exporter? Can I use the Force IDE? 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Use the data loader to do your export instead.

All Answers

Use the data loader to do your export instead.
This was selected as the best answer

You may also use Apatar open source ETL tool. It will help you export your data to any available data base or file, supports SOQL queries. Supports all SF edition except Group edition.




Sam FridSam Frid
You can schedule Import to Salesforce legacy data using Skyvia ( No-code freemium app