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Trying to locate Location.csv file for Developer Tutorial

Going through the Developer Tutorial (pdf) and need to locate the Location.csv file to import data for custom object as part of the lesson.  Text reads: "This file is available from the Code Share project for this book and has the name of Location.csv."  I searched under the Code Share and only found a previous posting raising this question a year ago with no solution found.  Thanks for any insight you can provide!
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

No idea why you'd care much about a developer guide written in 2008:

All Answers


No idea why you'd care much about a developer guide written in 2008:

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks for the file and (more importantly) for prompting me to find the newest tutorials (doh!).  I'm hoping the: "force_platform_fundamentals_final" is the current state-of-the-art starting point for SFDC.  Please steer me elsewhere if I've missed something (again!).  Thanks again, NBlasgen.

Thanks a lot..........

Muhammad Iqbal 32Muhammad Iqbal 32
I am still trying to find the file and I unable to get one the link is opening different page. Would anyone please share the link of the file location. Thanks