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Custom help to standard fields - available in Winter 10, but how?
I think the topic says it all. I can't really figure out how to do this. There's certainly no place to stick a help message in when I edit the field. Anyone know how to do this?
which field in particular? you should just be able to edit a standard field and see the help text box to enter in your custom help
Are you talking about the new feature wherein one is able to add help w.r.t. individual fields In case that is what you are hunting for, ur hunt end here.
when you create a new field in Step 1 you select the datatype then as you hit "Next" in Step 2 you are prompted to enter "the Details" like:-
Field label
Field Name
help Text -- this is where the Custom Help will go plus in the edit page you will notice an "i" sign against the fields having custom help.
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