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s-contol to populate fields in a custom object
I am trying to override a new button on a custom object that is related to cases. I am trying to do this as an s-control, and am trying to pass fields from the case into the custom object field.
I am not able to pass any of the fields from case to the custom object. Is this possible to do using an s-control?
So far I have:
var newUrl = "{!URLFOR( $Action.Problem_Solving_Worksheet__c.New ,null,
[ Case_Number__c= Case.CaseNumber ,
Problem_Solving_Worksheet__c.Problem_Defenition__c = Case.Description ,
retURL=$Request.retURL] ,true)}";
Have also tried using the 15digit field id code but then I get syntax errors when trying to save.
Any help much appreciated.
Hi Tracy,
I am pretty sure SFDC has retired the use of S-controls after the Spring '10 Release. Although the ones that exist before the release will still work.
Visualforce is the way to go. Sorry that I don't have the solution to your issue though.