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Integration tools
CastIron Vs Jitterbit Integration tools:
Can any one explain the differences between these two integration tools?
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CastIron Vs Jitterbit Integration tools:
Can any one explain the differences between these two integration tools?
To RamyaKrishna..
From Topalovich,
-- Jitterbit is a smaller organization that has a much more cost effective product that you can deploy in a cloud or hybrid model. --
All Answers
Cast Iron will cost you an arm and a leg, and you'll have to deal with IBM and their byzantine sales organization. It has a cloud delivery model along with an on-premise appliance option.
Jitterbit is a smaller organization that has a much more cost effective product that you can deploy in a cloud or hybrid model.
Be sure to also check out SnapLogic - their pre-built Snap for Salesforce is very robust, and is another cost effective options vs. CastIron.
What are the functionality Differences between these two?
I worked on jitterbit with in local system. Can we access the jitterbit from the cloud?
To RamyaKrishna..
From Topalovich,
-- Jitterbit is a smaller organization that has a much more cost effective product that you can deploy in a cloud or hybrid model. --
Now we are using Skyvia ( It is much more cost effective and unlike JitterBit, there are no extra fees for a definite type of connectors