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Trouble integrating Zendesk application

I'm getting the following error message when trying to integrate the zendesk application with my salesforce pro edition account:


Configuratin error: no protocol: (zendeskkdomain).com/groups.xml



Does anyone know what the issue may be? Thanks.







Hi LH,


Please first check that you have specified the Helpdesk URL correctly (http vs https). For example, if your zendesk helpdesk name is "abc" then you should specify: or


Note that this exact URL also need to be explicitly added to Remote Site Settings (which I believe you have already done but mentioning this here for the benefit of other readers).


As a Zendesk customer I also encourage you to take advantage of the support you are entitled to at


Good luck,




Thanks Vincent. Our url (http) is correct for both specifications.  I beleive it is because our Pro edition does not have API access, which needs to be added on. 


This seems to be the requirement for both  the zendesk SF application as well as SF widget with our Zendesk account.