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Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma 

Spring 11 : Data Loader Issue

I am trying to upload a CSV in my org and don't want to map all the column , but it's not allowing me to do that.

Accounding to new , you need to map all the column what you have in the CSV file.


Did anybody face?


Hey techforce,


I too had faced it last week with DL v21. i had to remove the columns for which I did not have mapping, earlier it would allow these columns in the csv file. It wouldn't update that column if its not mapped. Guess they got only more stringent for the incoming data loads.






Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

But it's not seems a good thing as it will not allow you to have the old id in the CSV file. SO when you are uploading data for child object and you need to have the lookup function for the relationship management, You can't do that.