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Can't find Export file from Data Loader 16.0

After running the Export from Data Loader 16.0, I can view the file using the CSV view inside Data Loader but I can't find the file in the directory.  I know its there because I can open it using the viewer but not in excel.  Also the button "Open in external program" doesn't seem to be working.



You can choose where to save the file during the export process. Simply choose a convenient location.






I tried several options. I saved it within the Dataloader Folder and  outside the Dataloder folder but I could not see the file using windows explorer.  I can however see/open the file using the viewer.




Affan MuddassirAffan Muddassir
Hey Kaikaku,
User-added image
After you've logged-in with either Production or Sandbox and after selecting your object of interest, enter the full path of the place where you wish to save your file in the text field shown above and it will be available there. Don't just leave the text field as it is.