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Displaying field in a different page layout

Please help, I think I'm being a complete numbtey!


Basically I want to display a custom field called x in the Contract Page Layout. I'm sure I have missed something I guess it's easy but the answer eludes me!


Thanks' for you help in advance



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I found it, didn't see the Advanced Formula tab.



All Answers




Goto Setup --> Customize  --> Contracts --> Page Layout 


It lists all the page layouts.


Click edit on the page layout which you want to add a field.


Now click on fields and drag and drop the field which you want to display.


Hope it helps.







sorry maybe I wasn't that clear.


I want to add the custom filed I created called 'Product' in Accounts into the Page layout of Contracts.


I think this makes sense.


thanks for your help



You'll have to create a formula field on Contract that contains Account__r.Product__c (or whatever your field is really called -- use the Insert Field button to get the formula field builder and build it that way).  Add that formula field to your Contract page layout.

Hey werewolf,


I did say I was being a complete numbtey! Well, I have tried to do this so many times I just can't see where I'm going wrong!

I go into Contracts, Fields, New, and create a text field but when I look at the Select field type I cannot see account. can see $org, $user etc


Insert field button doesn't give me the field name either


I try and put Account__r.Product__c  but it doesn't like the syntax!


What am I doing soo wrong!


Message Edited by jobigg on 08-12-2009 10:24 AM

If you're creating a Formula field and you press the Insert Field button, you should see a window like this where you can access Account > fields...


OK so i guess i'm in completely the wrong place, how do I get to that screen?

I found it, didn't see the Advanced Formula tab.



This was selected as the best answer