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profile changes

I would like to know that when my app is been subscribed what ever profile setting for app is been holded in my org, will the same be reflected in subsciber orgs also?


for example if i have a set of tabs in my application which are editable by SF administrator only. When another org subscribes my app then the set of tabs in my app must be editable by the SF administrator of the client org only. To achieve this do i need to force any profile changes dynamically in my app for the subscriber orgs. Or by default will the same set of permissions will be effected when my app is been subscribed so that i don't need to do any thing in my code for profile changes.





In your managed package includes all the information about profiles then the profile settings will be carried over to the destination or the subscriber org.

Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.



Profile permissions do get packaged, and while you are installing the package in the subscriber org, make sure to select Custom permissions (probably the third option), were you can map the packaged profiles to the ones existing in the subscriber org, thus passing on the permissions.


On a different note, although SF claims that permissions get copied over, but my personal experience with packaged profile permissions has been not so good. I've noticed many times that permissions on standard objects, Tab to profile mapping settings, page layout assignments, etc get messed up when packaged gets installed, which then needs to set manually.