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Error on Javascript sforce.apex.execute with Array being passed

Hi, trying to pass an Array into an Apex Class. As per Line highlighted. I can pass a single static account ID, and all works, it is just the array that is not working. Have also confirmed that there is data in the array.


When the button executes, I get this error


A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

{faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'Unexpected element {}done during simple type deserialization', }




     var records = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.Queued_Account__c)};
     var newRecords = [];
     var Acc_ID = [];

     if (records[0] == null)
         alert("Please select at least one row")
        for (var n=0; n<records.length; n++) {
        var c = new sforce.SObject("Queued_Account__c"); = records[n];
        c.queue_status__c = "Inactive";
        Acc_ID[n] = sforce.connection.query("select Account__c from Queued_account__c WHERE Id ='" + + "'");


    if (sforce.debug.trace) { sforce.debug.log("{!$User.Id}");}
    result = sforce.connection.update(newRecords);
    sforce.apex.execute("QueuedAccSingleManagement", "removeMultiAccount", {acc:Acc_ID, userId:"{!$User.Id}"},null,true);



I'm not really sure about what the issues are with your code (I don't feel like debugging it), but there are a few things I'm questioning.


Why are you setting c.queue_status__c when it's never used?  And please make sure it wouldn't be something like c.fields.queue_status__c.  Normally only fields such as Id are in the main SObject (but this may not be true for Javascript).


I'd suggest you put an Alert(records[n]) in there somewhere just to make sure the Id field is always populated properly.  And at least for me, I don't like the idea of running multiple queries unless it's necessary. 



SELECT Account__c from Queued_account__c WHERE Id IN ('Id1', 'Id2')


I think javascript has a combine or implode command that should make doing the above easy.