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How To Learn APEX

I am trying to learn the APEX code and plan on taking the DEV531 course.

If you took DEV531 what are your thoughts on this course?

Is DEV531 the right course to take for someone that is new to programming?

What other advice do you have for learning APEX and Visualforce?

-Thank You


LinkedIn Discussion


Are you brand new to programming period? If so, I'm not exactly sure APEX and VisualForce are the best options for you just yet. You'll want to learn about object oriented programming as well.  The documentation does a good job at teaching you how to get up to speed, but again, depending on your previous knowledge it is hard to say that you'll understand it all. But it's not impossible to learn.


I have 2+ years experience programming in SQL writing basic scripts and procs so I wouldn't say I am completely new, but I am still pretty green compared to others.  I have a little exposure to Java and HTML but have never programmed code in either from scratch, merely modified existing code.


If I am going to pay $4,000 plus traveling expenses to take a course on APEX I need to have the ability to actually create triggers and classes immediately after taking the course otherwise I can't justify the cost.


If your just looking for classes and triggers take a look at and see how you go with that, I am looking to take some of the dev courses soon and found it really useful.

