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Raumil SetalwadRaumil Setalwad 

Blogs are not opening

Hello freinds recently i am facing a starnge issue that all sites related to bloga such as "" or on clicking on "blog" link in website "" the message displayed "could not connect to ""  I have checked in chrome, Mozilla and IE in all browsers the blogs are not opening. I don't why what has happened. but since 1 month i am facing this issue. Please suggest Me solution.



Raumil Setalwad

Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

That's very strange Raumil.   The blogs are working just fine, and people are clicking on them just fine too.


It must be something related to your client/network.  I would guess that perhaps the company you work for has some kind of firewall that's prevent you access?

Raumil SetalwadRaumil Setalwad

Thank You Jon for your quick reply. I had also discussed this topic with my seniors they said they had not block any site related to blog in our network even though we are currently finding the problem will let you know if still persists or it is solved

Thank you Once again

Raumil SetalwadRaumil Setalwad

Hello Jon,

Still i am facing the problem of Blogs not opening as i told you that i had discussed with my seniors and i personaaly checked my loacl network that they had not block any site so please provide me another URL to access blogs please help me

Thank You


Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

Hello Raumil


I've looked at the blog stats and many many people are accessing the blogs from all around the world.  There does not seem to be a problem.  I'm sorry, but I cannot find anything on our side - everyone else seems to be able to access them just fine.  I still suspect it's something on your side.


We do have a full-feed RSS feed here:  - that could help?

