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Calling Bulk Data Loader API with existing session



We are looking to build a batch update process that would insert a few hundred to a few hundred thousand records in a Salesforce Custom Object.  The Bulk Data Loader API seems a good fit.  The application flow is expected to be - The client initiates this process from a Salesforce VF page which will then make a call to an application on our server which will then initiate the Bulk Loader API and load records for update to SF.  But here is the question- I know that we can pass the session id and serverURL as a part of the initial call to our server.

But can I use the same sessionId and serverURL to start the bulk upload process?  If yes, how long is this sessionId going to be valid?  For large datasets I will be looking to upload multiple batches.

Any ideas?




I believe your question is answered in the documentation of login() method call...


"Client applications do not need to explicitly log out to end a session. Sessions expire automatically after a predetermined length of inactivity, which can be configured in Salesforce by clicking Your Name | Setup | Security Controls. The default is 120 minutes (two hours). If you make an API call, the inactivity timer is reset to zero."