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Deploying using change sets

I want to deploy from sandbox to production using change set.  Is there a wayI can push my standard objects using change sets?


you can deploy all fields page layouts etc regardless of they are, what do you mean by pushing your standard objects?




As standard objects already exists in all environments, there is no such option to include, but if you have custom filds then you can add the cutom fields in to your change set and deploy .


what if "Type" standard field on Account. I've added couple of picklist values and migrate them thru chnageset.


I believe this can be done using IDE Eclipse. but, no option available in changesets.

sailaja majji 5sailaja majji 5
Any picklist values for standard fields should be done as a manual activity while moving to production.
Though it can be done for custom objects by including the field .There is no option with change set to move the new picklist values for standard fields