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Unable to delete records from a custom object


I am currently unable to delete records from a custom object created in both the enterprise and developer editions. I can login successfully and insert records.

 As of last week, the code that I hade to delete records from this custom object worked but today for some reason I am getting errors.

Any help would be appreciated.

The custom object is called cognos. The Java 1.4 code I created is based on the Java API 2.5 samples.

queryIds() retrieves an array of ID which is used by deleteCognos()

I can successfully retrieve an array of record IDs but when the API delete operation is called inside deleteCognos() I get errors. I retrieve the user ID as a way, for me, to diferentiate between each record. Its not used by deleteCognos().

This is some sample output:

Record 0: a00300000000IVEAA2 User Id:
Record 1: a00300000000IVFAA2 User Id:
Record 2: a00300000000IVGAA2 User Id:
Record 3: a00300000000IVJAA2 User Id:
Record 4: a00300000000IVKAA2 User Id:
Record 5: a00300000000IVLAA2 User Id:

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

ErrorStatus Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD
Error message invalid record id for this type

When I ran my code today it stopped after 6 records but there are 92 in the object.

I downloaded the latest enterprise wsdl and recompiled it but that didn't help.

 private ID[] queryIds(){

  QueryResult qr = null;
  _QueryOptions qo = new _QueryOptions();
  qo.setBatchSize(new Integer(40));
  binding.setHeader("SoapService", "QueryOptions", qo);
  ID[] cog_ids = null;

   qr = binding.query("select id, user_id__c from cognos__c");

   if (qr.getSize() != 0)
    boolean bContinue = true;
    int loopCount = 0;
    while (bContinue)
        for (int j=0; j        {
     //System.out.println("Record " + loopCount + " id " + (qr.getRecords()[j]).getId().getValue());

     //save the cognos ids in a class array
     // resize array as needed
     if(loopCount == 0)
        cog_ids = new ID[]{(qr.getRecords()[0]).getId()};
        System.out.println("Record " + loopCount + ": " + (cog_ids[0].getValue()) +" User Id: "+ ((Cognos__c)qr.getRecords()[0]).getUser_ID__c()); 
        ID[] tempCog_ids = null;
        tempCog_ids = new ID[cog_ids.length + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < cog_ids.length; i++)
      tempCog_ids[i] = cog_ids[i];
         tempCog_ids[cog_ids.length] = (qr.getRecords()[j]).getId();
         cog_ids  = tempCog_ids;
         System.out.println("Record " + loopCount +": " + (cog_ids[loopCount].getValue())+" User Id: "+ ((Cognos__c)qr.getRecords()[j]).getUser_ID__c());
     if (qr.isDone())
      bContinue = false;
            qr = binding.queryMore(qr.getQueryLocator());
            //System.out.println("Query More");
    System.out.println("\nThere are no Cognos records stored.");
    getUserInput("\nHit return to continue..."); 

       // System.out.println("\nQuery succesfully executed.");
     //   getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
                      } catch (UnexpectedErrorFault uef) {
                      } catch (Exception ex)
   System.out.println("\nFailed to execute query succesfully, error message was: \n"
        + ex.getMessage());
   getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
       return cog_ids;


private void deleteCognos() {
if (!loggedIn) {
  if (!login())
try { 
 ID[] cognos_ids = queryIds();
 DeleteResult[] deleteResults = binding.delete(cognos_ids);
    // Process the results
    for (int i=0;i       DeleteResult deleteResult = deleteResults[i];
       // Determine whether delete succeeded or had errors
       if (deleteResult.isSuccess()) {
          // Get the id of the deleted record
          System.out.println("Successfully deleted " +deleteResult.getId());
        }else {
         Error[] errors = deleteResult.getErrors();
         for(int k = 0; k < errors.length; k++){
    System.out.println("\nErrorStatus Code: " + errors[k].getStatusCode().toString()); 
    System.out.println("Error message " + errors[k].getMessage());



} catch (UnexpectedErrorFault uef) {

}catch (RemoteException ex) {
 System.out.println("\nFailed to succesfully delete Cognos records, error message was: \n" + ex.getMessage());
 getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");


Message Edited by DM on 04-12-2004 11:59 AM


Hi DM,

Thanks for you post.  We have identified the problem and are working on a fix.  I anticipate the issue to be resolved by the end of the day tomorrow (April 13th).