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PickListEntry's isDefaultValue returns false when it should return true


I am using SForce 3.0 and SForce 2.0 (XML-RPC and SOAP versions)

When I make a describe call using SForce 2.0, the following picklist values have default = true.

  • entity (lead) field (status) picklist value (Open)
  • entity (task) field (priority) pick value (Normal)
  • entity (task) field (status) pick value (Not Started)
  • entity (event) field (showAs) pick value (Busy)

However, when I use SForce 3.0 the same PickListEntry's isDefaultValue returns false.

Is this a bug?




Hi Shun,

Thank you for pointing this out.  We will correct this issue shortly.


Hi, has this been corrected yet?