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how to discount fees in batchapex ?

in this program i discount 50% of fee but i can't get it in data model .



global class batchapexprocessing implements Database.batchable<sobject>

global Database.querylocator<course__c>start(Database.batchablecontext bc){
string query='select name,faculty__c,faculty_name__c,fee__c,femail__c from course__c';
return database.getquerylocator(query);
global void execute(database.batchablecontext bc,list<course__c>clist){
for(course__c f:clist){
update clist;
global void finish(database.batchablecontext bc){




Here "i can't get in data model" means..

Was it not discounting when you call this Batch Class? Means not working as Expected?