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Trigger for Account Merge?

We have a Custom Object related to the Account Object called "Schedule" (Displays as a related list on the Account page). We have a trigger written saying that for an Account the Account to Schedule relationship can only be one to one. 


When a user merges accounts multiple schedules can be added to the master which is not allowed but the trigger we have written does not catch this. So I am wondering if there is a way to write a trigger where on a merge it will check if multiple Schedules are trying to be added to the master Account. Then display an error message so that the user needs to go back and remove the extra schedules before they can proceed with the merge.


Really, if anything else I would like more information about how a merge works behind the scenes.


Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.



I would be interested in learning more about this as well if anyone has any pointers.

