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convert lead-to-account turn off autopopulation of address



When we convert a lead to an account (or more specifically convert a lead to a contact that creates a new account in the process) is there a way for us to turn off the address and phone number of that lead being populated automatically at the account level.  More often than not the number and address we have for that lead are their desk number and the address of a branch office or something like that, so we don't want that carrying over and being listed as the main phone number and address of the account when it gets created.


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


The only way to do this will be to customize the Lead Conversion code.  The reason is because the standard Lead Conversion process actually creates the Account first, and then builds the Contact record (as well as the Opportunity record) off of that Account. 


Another idea would be to create Custom fields on both the Lead and Contact objects, map the fields to each other, and then create a workflow that populates the standard Contact Address fields from the custom fields.


Hope that helps