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How to find out what salesforce edition you have?
anyone know how to find out what edition of salesforce an org has i.e. unlimited, enterprise, professional etc..
function readOnly(count){ }
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anyone know how to find out what edition of salesforce an org has i.e. unlimited, enterprise, professional etc..
Go get the Enterprise WSDL and it will tell you at the top:
<!-- Enterprise Web Services API Version 18.0
Generated on 2010-04-29 14:48:19 +0000.
Copyright 1999-2010, inc.
All Rights Reserved
Login-setup-develop-API-generate wsdl
Look at the title of your web browser.
Should say something like: - Enterprise Edition
or - Developer Edition
I need to ask this question again:
Re: How to find out what salesforce edition you have?
the reason is that the new versions of Browsers do not have Title Bars anymore. The other gentleman's suggestion in generating cryptic code to determine the version is not practical and user friendly for clients.
What is the best way to determine which Salesforce Edition a client has "over the phone"? The method has to be easy enough to guide a customer to perform the steps.
Anyone's help is very appreciated.
If you hover over your opened TAB, it will display you which edition you are using.
Thanks to THuston - I also used it to confirm a sandbox has been upgraded to the new release preview, because we have a custom logo so can't see the release logo.
I am not able to see which edition using Enterprise WSDL. Enterprise Web Services API Version 24.0
Generated on 2012-04-29 05:54:50 +0000.
Copyright 1999-2012, inc.
All Rights Reserved
where is it exactly located???
Please check the topmost part of your monitor/ screen (in the Web Browser)
and specifically the Tab on which the Salesforce
_Tab 1 of Browser _ _ _ | ____ Tab 2 of Browser ___ | - Professional Edition | _ _ _ Next Tab_ _ _|
___________________ |______________________|________________________________ |_______________ |
Salesforce Logo
For dunces like me:
Browser Tab: When they say look at the tab, you have to hover over the tab (at least in Chrome) as the tab is too short to show you the complete title. Alternatively, figure out how to view the source of the page after logging into salesforce (view page source) and you will see something like this in the html <title>Company Information:(your org name) ~ - Enterprise Edition</title>
API: You don't need to generate anything, just look at the top one of the list. It will be the one for the edition of your Salesforce instance for that organization. So it will say Enterprise WSDL if that is your edition (I don't have access to an unlimited one, and too lazy to login to my developer one, to test this out, but it makes sense).
Thanks for your answer. I thought it should be something simple, but I couldn't find it in all the normal places.
or, just add this as a suffix to the salesforce url after logging in: ui/setup/Setup?setupid=AdminSetup
Please click on the SETUP tab on the top right corner of the home page ----> Then click on the link "Administer" which appears on the first left section of the page ------> And there you go , you can see the edition as the heading of the page which opens after clicking the "Administer" on the right section of the page.
I hope this might be the convenient way for you to guide to the end users.
Enterprise Edition
2. Type in company
3. Chose company information
There look for Organization Edition value
To Check salesforce edition
Login to Salesforce Instance --> Go to Home Tab --> If you hover on Browser tab,it will display which Edition you are using
Salesforce - Developer Edition means we are using Develope Edition.
To check Salesforce release
Login to Salesforce Instance --> Go to Home Tab --> If you look at top right side of window, you can see "Spring'17 for Developers label ,which means we are using/in Spring'17 release.
Look for "Organization Edition"
Click on it. The edition will be there on page top