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SOQL Query account record with count contacts

I am trying to write a single query to get an account record and the count of contacts for the account.  Can this be done?



SELECT Name,Id,BillingState, (SELECT count() FROM Contact Where Contact.AccountID = Id) FROM Account WHERE Name like '%Test%'"


Thank You




Raumil SetalwadRaumil Setalwad

I appreciate the response, however the referred page does not help.  I am looking for the correct sytax for a subquery like my example.



I want to get a single record from the Account table and get a count on Contact for the Account record.


Thank You



Ritesh AswaneyRitesh Aswaney

Dont reckon you can do COUNT() in an inner query.


This query kinda returns what you're after


Select AccountId, Count(Name) from Contact group by AccountId


If you're just after how to formulate an inner query, then here goes


Select Id, Name, (Select Id, Name from Contacts) from Account


If you want to reference a bind variable in your query, then it must be prefixed with a colon, eg


Select Id, Name, (Select Id, Name from Contacts) from Account where Id = :accountId