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Validation Rule to Lock a Task Record based on Date

Business Requirement:


Lock records from editing if they are > 2 weeks old.


Proposed Solution:


Develop a validation rule that prevents a non-system administrator end user from editing a record > 14 days old.


Error Condition Formula:



TODAY() - (DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) > 14 , 
NOT( $Profile.Id ="00e3000000xxxx") 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Validation rule will work just fine. Instead of hardcoding profile ID you can use "$Profile.Name".

All Answers

Suresh RaghuramSuresh Raghuram

Instead hardcoing the Id value better to write a trigger where it is possible to have access to the profile with out giving hardcode values.


Validation rule will work just fine. Instead of hardcoding profile ID you can use "$Profile.Name".

This was selected as the best answer

Understood - thank you!


Thank you Suree!