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Data Tables in salesforce?
Any one using data Tables( in Standard Set controller?
function readOnly(count){ }
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Any one using data Tables( in Standard Set controller?
What problem you are facing here?
You should look on this example:,html
All Answers
What problem you are facing here?
You should look on this example:,html
Thanks Jitendra..
I am using 'Scroller example - 50'000 rows' in My page....
Link is
I have 4000 records in Account Object... I set page size is 2000 in My page... Problem is I show all records in same page(as per scroller example).. But Standard set Controller takes only first 2000 records...How to get my remaining records and show in my page?
My apex Code:
Accounts = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([ SELECT Id,
AccountList = (List<Account>)Accounts.getRecords();
In data tables takes only Standard set Controller query Values...Can u possible to pass normal List Values to page?
For this you will need to implement pagination at server side. Please have a look at below URL :
For above example, the JSON used by them are :
create a VF page with response type as "JSON". And implement the pagination logic in that VF page.
for pagination , you can use few below links:
simply you can wrap the object with counter starting from 1 and as per page parameter display the wrapper class in JSON.
If you want to know how to create a JOSN page then visit belwo Link:
Thanks Jitendra..
I am also tried serverside for getting data..... In also serverside takes only 2000 records not all records... i want to know how to get all data without pagination in standard set controller?