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10k character limit on SOQL query

I just ran into this limit today, is it new?
Can you give me an example of where you are using a SOQL query over 10k?


I have a highly flexible application that can both read from and write to Salesforce through the API. An example would be: a person wants to add/update contacts, but doesn't want to create duplicates. They search for contacts that already exist in Salesforce using email and last Name. If they have 800 contacts to add/update the query can get long quickly. Select id, email, lastname, firstname where (email = ' and lastName = 'blah') or (email = '' and lastName = 'something') or.....

It has forced me to limit the user to pushing 200 records at a time, which can take hours if their data set is large.

Is this what you needed?
Thanks Nikki. We'll consider increasing this in the future. For now, I think your solution of doing more smaller batches sounds good.