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Documentation for LoginBeans?

Is there any documenation for net.sforce.util.* (EnterpriseLoginBean & ServletEnterpriseLoginBean)? I'm trying to understand how these work in the JSP example, versus the Console sample in the API doc.

The JSP example seems to skip the binding and set endpoint steps of the Console sample. It's a little confusing. I assume these are being taken care of by the bean, but knowing for sure will help me understand each. Also, I would like to know the other methods and properties of the beans.

Hi smilo:

I'll be doing a session about this at dreamforce, but it hasn't been doc'd yet. Any specific questions I can answer for you?

If you use those beans in conjunction with the JSP sample (test.jsp), hopefully it will more understable. Basically the bean wraps the session binding, and used in conjuntion with session.jsp, handles all the session mechanics for you.

You should drop the WAR into your app server (tomcat, etc), and then try http://machine:port/jsp-sample/test.jsp

Message Edited by adamg on 10-28-2004 07:36 PM

I'm going to Dreamforce. I assume you mean Wed's session: "Extending with JSP and ASP.NET". Just want to make sure I don't miss it. Can you confirm?

I've used the sample and understand what's there. I've already played with reading/writing objects. The JSP sample is helpful in that regard, but, I'd like to see all the properties and methods of the beans, and also understand how they do the wrapping. Knowing this, maybe I can do more with them, extend them, create similiar wrappers based on the console sample. Does the current JSP sample already cover all that's available in the Beans?

Thanks again.
Yes, that is the right session, and yes, most/all of the bean's functionality is used in the sample. I'm working on a good way to package the source for that bean, and will hopefully have something soon - if you are brave you should be able to find it in the CVS tree in sourceforge.