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Today's crazy-making problem

I have added a new custom field to a custom object. When I go to edit a report that lists those custom objects, the newly created field is not visible on any of the report config pages.


The new field is DEFINATELY accessible via the user's profile. I tried creating another formula field, same problem. I tried creating a text field, same problem.


It seems any new fields I create do not appear in the report customisation screens, even though I can see them on the records, and edit there.


What's going on?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



are you using a custom report type? It may be that the field is not part of the list of fields available in the wizard. You can check by editing clicking on your custom report type and editing the field layout.

All Answers




are you using a custom report type? It may be that the field is not part of the list of fields available in the wizard. You can check by editing clicking on your custom report type and editing the field layout.

This was selected as the best answer
That's it. MANY thanks.